OK...the last few weekends have been pretty hectic at our house. It seems that sickness, work, cleaning, sickness, and more cleaning have been filling our agendas like crazy. I am just hoping for somewhat of a perfect and restful weekend this time around. We have an outing planned for tonight and the kids are so pumped to see their cousins, Jack and Riley. JJ was so convinced that we had went to their house without him this morning that Josh ended up having to go and get him from daycare because he was inconsolable. Poor kid. You would think we never see the cousins he loves so much! Saturday is our planned 'rest' day aside from a quick trip to Wal-mart to get a gift for the birthday party we are going to on Sunday afternoon. All in all, it is looking to be fun and hopefully sun filled:) Hope you all have a wonderful weekend to. Just remember--when all else fails--- being with the ones you love automatically makes every day perfect!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Are we done yet?
OK. JJ has gone 24 hours plus some without vomiting. He still isn't eating that well, but he is keeping small stuff down. He still looks weak and pale....but seems to be on the tail end of this junk. It has been quite the week I tell you. My hubby was out of town when all of this started...and I swear that I have NEVER missed him so much. He came home on Thursday afternoon. I hugged him with a forever long hug and told him he is NEVER going to work out of town again....and he nicely informed me that he has to go back in a few weeks. AHHHHHHHHH!! I'm already cringing at the thought of what horrible ailment is going to hit us next time he is unavailable to help me out....I guess I never realized how very valuable he really is around here:) Thats a plus though. Two is better than one on any day...especially when there is vomit involved!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
JJ is finally sleeping. He woke up this morning acting as close to normal as possible...after all he had spent the day before vomiting. His fever was gone and, he was fine all day until after nap. On our way to get Miracle from school, poor JJ started throwing up again. He continued to do so every ten minutes for an hour afterwards. During this time, mommy was freaking out. He had thrown up on his car seat so I could not drive him to the ER until it was dry...my husband is still out of town so I was stuck with one child stuck at school and one vomiting every ten minutes for no apparent reason. I called for backup. My wonderful sisters rushed to my aid. One picked up Miracle and took her away from the drama, and the other stayed with me to take JJ to an emergency pediatrician appointment. He threw up continuously until he got a shot to stop the nasuea. The Dr. says its just a relapse...I have my doubts. Thankfully, he is now sleeping soundly, and I have a perscription to stop the vomiting if it starts again. I have strict orders to take him to the ER if he starts vomiting uncontrollably again in the night....so keep us in your prayers! Its now been two days....how long can a kid vomit and still survive??? poor baby.....
Posted by The Splan Clan at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A very sick boy
My little man has a nasty virus. He has not been able to keep anything down all morning. This is the sickest I have ever seen him. He slept for 4.5 hours, and then I had to wake him up just to make sure he was ok. He stayed up for about 3o minutes and then asked to go back to bed. He is now sleeping soundly again...I hope he gets back to himself again soon. Everyone say a prayer for his sissy. She definitely is at a disadvantage for getting this junk as well as I am. We are in for an interesting week for sure.... I will keep you all posted....I HATE SICKNESS!
PS: the picture above is him trying to be happy....he is so pale and feverish. I hate this for him!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 1:46 PM
Friday, February 5, 2010
My new floor is mostly done! My living room is done and my hallway is almost there. Don't you love it??

I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I have to re arrange everything and unpack everything that was packed up to make the floor accessible. Thankfully, tomorrow is Saturday. Not only do I get to enjoy my new floor, but I also get to enjoy my wonderful family and a good, productive day at home!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 8:02 PM