It kinda stinks that summer days are over, but we are anxiously awaiting the coolness of fall! Mommy is already planning trips to apple orchards and pumpkin patches for some fun fall celebrations. As the kids get older, it gets more and more fun to plan exciting things for them to do! I hope you all are having a good month too!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Back to School....
It kinda stinks that summer days are over, but we are anxiously awaiting the coolness of fall! Mommy is already planning trips to apple orchards and pumpkin patches for some fun fall celebrations. As the kids get older, it gets more and more fun to plan exciting things for them to do! I hope you all are having a good month too!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Facebook (1)
"Happy Anniversary to my AWESOME Husband! The last four years have been the best roller coaster ever! Lots of ups and downs, lots of anxiety, tons of fun, and worth every minute! I'd wait in line for EVER if I had the chance to re-do it long as it was with you! I love you!"
Posted by The Splan Clan at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Just havin' fun!
So this week has been our last free week before the school year starts (for mommy at least)! Miracle has one more week off before she starts first grade....she is super excited. I keep telling her that she shouldn't wish summer break away because there will come a day when she wishes she had it again;) However, in her little girl mind, nothing is cooler than going to school every day. I used to love school when I was little how times change once you grow up a little! Nanna and Papa were here last week and helped us out by buying her some school stuff. She chose a blue book bag last year and it was the worst mistake ever. She asked me every day if she could get a pink one instead:) When we ventured out for the new bag this year, she almost decided on purple. I had to gently remind her how much she regretted not getting pink last year...she quickly remembered the pain of a blue bag last year...and went for a cute pink one instead. Little girls are so much fun! Every day since then, she has asked how many days until school starts...bless her little heart! It's scary how grown up she is. We had to pick her up some deodorant today at Walmart. She is still pretty young but with this hot summer it has become a must. She feels so grown up, and when I asked her when she was supposed to put deodorant on she quickly replied (with a very big girl voice) 'When I get dressed in the morning and after a bath'! She so looks forward to being a big girl...we have our work cut out for us with this one!
Despite the school excitement, we have just enjoyed being home with each other this week. Monday and Tuesday were spent cleaning and being lazy. The kids have played together so well and seem to truly enjoy each others company. I love the relationship that they share and hope that it ends up being as special as the relationships I share with my siblings! We ventured out today and helped my sister with her classroom a bit. It was super hot, but we enjoyed being out and about anyway. We are still working diligently on the potty training thing and am sad to say we are stuck at 75% of the way there....We keep working though and are hoping to be diaper free by time the holidays are here!
I should go. It's almost time for the beloved "Big Brother", and I need to get a house full of kids calmed down and headed towards bed. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 6:42 PM 3 comments