Second choice:
Second choice:
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:50 PM 1 comments
*Warning-serious venting ahead...
Wow. My students love 'Llama, Llama' books, and I recently ordered a new one for my classroom. It's called "Llama, Llama Holiday Drama". BOY OH BOY can I relate with that title! It's funny how very exciting the holidays can be, and yet how very stressful they are at the same time! I love the excitement of putting the tree up and decorating, seeing family, baking lots of extra goodies, digging out the warm clothes, etc. I hate the stress of making sure everyone gets a meaningful gift, running here and there and everywhere, whiny kids, late nights, and money, money, money. There is just never enough is there? I mean, I can remember a few years back. We had VERY LITTLE then due to the recent addition of two kids to our family. It has been four years now...and it seems we are in the same exact boat as then as far as finances are concerned. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Will it ever get better? I could go on and on and stress and stress but then I remember that Thanksgiving is less than a week away. WOW! Funny how this holiday drama can quickly make us forget the real reason for the season. I have been wavering in between sanity and craziness for a couple of days now. I guess learning to be thankful is a process one must struggle through on a daily basis. I am thankful though. SO VERY THANKFUL. God has been good to my little family. God IS good to my family. Life and stress may cloud my judgement, but I am thankful! I'm starting my new years resolution early this year....Be thankful for every moment and stop stressing over things in life that you cannot change!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:51 PM 2 comments
Posted by The Splan Clan at 3:30 PM 1 comments