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Happy Birthday, JJ! We love you! |
Today is a big day. Four years ago on this day, I was laying in a hospital bed and wondering if I would ever get to eat again...and I had NO idea what kind of changes were about to take place in our lives. This little man finally came by emergency c-section at 4pm. He has been such a blessing to us!
This morning, I decided to put a little birthday tablecloth on his little table for when he ate breakfast. As soon as he saw it, he said "Thank you for making my table beautiful for me!" He has a big heart and his sister is his best friend. I hope that they continue to remain close as they grow! I think his sister is just as excited about his party today as he is!
I leave you with a picture of a monumental moment in our kids' lives.
As I child, my mother was determined to make us be a close family. She wanted us to value our relationships with our siblings. Now that I am an adult, I do love my siblings. They are very important to me. I want the same for JJ and Miracle. The other day they were picking at each other and I had to pull out an old punishment that my mom use to use on me and my sister quite a lot. They had to hold hands and look at each other. After a few minutes of this absolute torture they had to hug and tell each other they loved them. It was so cute, and it really does work. While they were holding hands, I gave the 'Your sister is your friend...Your brother is your friend. We are family and you two should love and respect each other' lecture. They were both laughing and giggling together again after it was over. I'm saving this picture for blackmailing purposes in the future!