Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Spring

Hello friends! Spring is in full swing here in SC. The weather had been beautiful! We barely had a chance to enjoy the wonderful sun before it got too hot! I convinced Miracle to put on her Easter sun dress for some pictures by our beautiful bush in the back yard. JJ refused to change so we just did him as is. I got a few cute ones. They are both at the super cheesy smile age....a natural laugh or smile is really hard to force out of them:)

They have both grown so much over this past year! I am truly blessed for having the wonderful blessing of spending more time with them lately! God is good! My plans are not His plans, but His plans are always better for sure.

We are all looking forward to spring break next week because Nana and Papa are coming to visit! We have not seen them in far too long! I have been cleaning the house and getting things ready. My laundry is actually done...for today anyway:) JJ has been gone that last two days, and I have just about gone crazy. I'm so not an ALONE kind of person. Even a four year old is better company than none! Who knows what I will do once he goes to school! I'm glad they are growing, and I am so so thankful that they are healthy....but can they just stay young a little bit longer?

Funny story...the other day JJ and I were playing 'I Spy' in the car on our way home from the store. I said, "I spy something brown." He immediately said, 'Sissy?' I chuckled to myself before addressing the overall issue. It was just too cute. In his innocence, he just knows that sissy's skin is brown. He did not mean anything with his answer...he was just stating the obvious. Poor Miracle is so brave and strong. Thank goodness she is a strong little girl. She often gets the question, "Why is your mommy white?" (Kids will be know!) I cringe for her on the inside, but she just says, "I'm adopted". She really does not seem to care about the questions, but I worry that its hurting her on the inside. Her and I had a discussion about this ever present question as I was putting her to bed last night. I reminded her that even though we have different skin colors, God loves us all the same. He put us together. She may be physically a bit darker, but she is still a part of this family. I hate that color even matters. I hope and pray that she understands and remains comfortable with the subject as she gets older. Kid's can be so mean. As much as I want to protect her from their mean words, I can't. The good thing is...She has God on her side:)

Josh has been working like crazy! Poor guy. About every 4 weeks he goes through the ringer....the last time he was on call he had 30 hours of overtime in one week! He barely gets home before the pager goes off on most days. The worst times are when he just falls asleep and...beep, beep, beep. Poor guy. I do a lot of praying when he is on call!

I love this stud!

Overall, we are just enjoying life one day at a time! Loving the arrival of spring, praying for our answer to prayer, and trying not to take anything for granted anymore!

I hope you all are having a GREAT spring!