Here is a shot of the new hair for this week. My first teenie tiny cornrows. This is her real hair too. I am so happy for her that her real hair is actually starting to grow. Its been a long hard road! This style should work well for being in the water a we come Michigan!
This is our first summer where JJ is old enough to enjoy playing and Miracle is not in school. I hated the thought of regular day care all summer. The kids would not even notice that it was summer break. I wanted them to be able to play outside and have tons of free time. For this reason, I decided to bribe my sister into watching my kids for a few weeks in June. I felt her house would be a lot more fun for my two, plus she has kids that adore playing with JJ and Miracle. I also think it is great for them to be building great friendships with their cousins. I have wonderful memories of summer days with my cousins back in the day...and this is their chance to start making some of the same types of memories. My sister keeping the kids means a much longer drive for me each morning and afternoon, but it has been so worth it. They have spent their days playing outside, swimming, watching movies, and even playing in the rain. They have had a blast. This will be their last week with Aunt Christy, and I am sort of sad that their fun will end. Ms. Dana, our perfect day-care lady/adopted grandma, will do a lot of fun things with the kids too but it will be different. She has to have a more rigid schedule which is inevitable in a daycare. The kids will still get to swim and eat snow cones and play outside a lot....but nothing compares to the good old summer days spent with cousins!
Below is a picture of Miracle getting ready to slide into the pool!

This is JJ enjoying the swing.

Here are the cousins...the three musketeers:)

After this week, we will all be heading to Michigan for a week with both of our families. It will be fun and full of good memory-making. Then Miracle will stay with Nana and papa for a week while the rest of us journey home for another week off. After this, all will return to normal. The kids will go back to daycare, I will be back at work, and the start of school in August will be looming in the future. YIKES! Summer always goes too fast for my liking!
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