I am back with the updates that I promised. Today went well. I had a lot of meetings which was not that fun...but we all made it through. JJ and Miracle had a blast for their first day back...all that worrying for nothing. Aren't mom's silly? Anyway--here are a few pictures from our fun break last week. Hope you enjoy!
This is a picture of Miracle and JJ enjoying their morning routine or dry cereal and cartoons....JJ is so glad that he finally found his belly...can you tell?
On Saturday, we all took a trip to Falls park in Greenville. Miracle wanted to put her feet in the water with her cousins. They had a blast. JJ is still afraid of most water though we are trying to work through that.

After putting the feet into the dirty river....the splash zone was a must. Again, Miracle and her cousins had a blast!

JJ was so tired by the end of our adventure that daddy had to give him a ride. JJ was so so hot but would not touch the water...

The kids also enjoyed playing in at the park. This teeter totter was their favorite adventure. They pretended it was their air plane!

Overall, we all had a great and relaxing time. I am so looking forward to being able to take JJ swimming someday. Miracle used to have a horrible fear of water and is now a little fish...we are hoping JJ will feel the same way someday!
Will hates the water too. He has a death grip on me at the pool and forget about playing in a fountain. He only enjoys the water table. Must be some conrol stage that they are going through.
I hope that you know I has a blast with your fam on Sat. I am sure your kid will become a fish all too soon and you will worry that he will go too deep and such. I love you and your kids. I will crash at your joint tomorrow and wed dont forget that. Me
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