Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So happy together

I was out sick last week with strep throat and this is how JJ spent his day...reclining and being lazy:) I was lazy too although I had to do a lot of disinfecting so that the rest of the house would not get sick. My best attempts failed, however, because Miracle woke up this morning with a sore throat, cough, and fever. Ahhh...the joys of fall!

This is just a cute picture of the kids playing dress up...and sharing a soda which is inevitably why we are passing this sickness around so quickly:(

One day last week, it was a really cool evening and Josh decided to mow the lawn. JJ would not let momma rest until he got to go out and help daddy. Yes, he is already in his PJ's, but I could not resist letting him play 'big boy'!

Just a random picture of my happy Miracle!

And my not so happy JJ....isn't he cute though?!?!?

Overall, it has been an interesting few weeks. I am hoping to get Miracle into the doctor this morning to get her better for tomorrow. School and jobs are calling...no time for being sick! I will enjoy this day at home with my kids though. It is raining and dreary and cold outside. Her little body could not have chosen a better day to be sick!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Signs of fall...

I can always tell when fall is on its way in good old SC. Its not the cool air at night or the every other day rain...though these things are definitely clues as well. It's the spiders. Spiders start to come out everywhere. I can definitely remember my first August in SC. I was quite pregnant with JJ. I came home from work one day to find a giant spider hanging in a web right outside my front door. By giant, I mean GIANT. In Michigan, spiders tend to die over the winter so they never get too big over the summer. What I thought was a big spider growing up is actually quite small compared to the big spiders here in SC. Well this big spider was blocking me from going through my front door. At this time, James was living with us. James was a teenager that we brought back with us from Michigan. He was going through a hard time and needed a summer away. Well, upon meeting this wonderfully giant spider at my front door, I backtracked to the back door. On the way there, I began noticing the many spiders that had emerged around the eaves of my house. There were several of these giant spiders, and I immediately new that we had to make a trip to Walmart. After all, GIANT SPIDERS are not allowed at the Splan house...or outside it. I was about to have a baby and my pregnant hormones said the spiders had to go NOW! James and I made an immediate trip to Walmart where we picked up the best spider killer spray we could find and a broom. We rushed home and got out the ladder. I then directed James to every spider that I could find outside of the house. I made him kill every spider I could find...and I made him sweep around the outside of the eaves to find any lurkers. He was very sweet to let me boss him around knowing full well that he was not willing to deny a pregnant hormonal woman. It was actually quite funny looking back. After this, I was content. The spray apparently worked through last summer too. I kept watch and never found GIANT spiders hanging around the eaves. However, this year they are back. I still check the top of my door every day when I get home. I will never forget that giant fella! The top of the door remains safe...but the spiders are everywhere else. I have had Josh kill a most of them, but there are still plenty out there. Also, I have killed several that I have found inside my supposed "Spider Free" house. YIKES! The other day, we were watching TV before bed. All of a sudden this little spider descended down from the ceiling right in front of the TV. I freaked, like I always do, and Josh took care of the little intruder very quickly. Some of you may find this entire post useless...but you have to understand how very badly this is effecting me right now. I HATE SPIDERS! They come out in hoards as fall approaches and cool weather starts coming. For this reason, I say...lets skip fall and start winter early!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A glimpse...

Cool Dude with his soapy mohawk!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just an update...

Yes, we are still alive! I am so sorry its been so long since my last blog. I have been ultra tired and not in the mood to type....or think for that matter! It seems this new school year is kicking this mommas butt! Hopefully, I am more adjusted by next week. Anyway, we are all doing pretty well aside from the sleepiness. Miracle loves school. She has several of her friends from K4 in her class this year and that really makes her happy. She even gets to see her beloved friend Gavin on the playground most days. She informed me at the end of last school year that she was going to marry Gavin. I have heard several prospective marriages from this girl...her daddy, her brother JJ, Papa...but we always go back to Gavin. The other day she told me that her and Gavin had talked...they still want to get married. She wanted to know if I wanted to meet him before they get married or not?!?!?! HOLD ON A MINUTE! My baby girl is getting way to smart for her own good:) I'm glad she is enjoying life though. Scarily she seems to be becoming boy crazy like her mama...do you think that if she starts this early, her boy craziness may fade before she becomes a teenager??? Lets cross our fingers for that one!

Aside from Miracles overall success with K5, it has been determined that JJ has entered his "terrible twos" a little early. We have had quite the time the last few evenings. JJ inherited the high maintenance parts of both his daddy's and my personalities. You know how your mother told you that she hopes you have one just like yourself when you grow up?? Well, my mother told me that a few times...and it happened. I was not an easy child...and it looks like JJ is going to spend his little life pushing the limits whenever possible. We are working hard with him though and hope to end up with a nice young man nonetheless:) Don't get me wrong, he is still as cute as a button but he is starting to show his desire for independence very early in life. I have two very hard headed children....how in the world did that happen??? J/K I love them both to pieces no matter what!

We were able to enjoy a fun cookout for labor day. It was at my husbands bosses house. The boss part made it kind of stressful...but we still had a good day. I hate that I have no pictures. I took the camera and forgot it in the car! Both JJ and Miracle got to wear life jackets for the first time. JJ still wanted nothing to do with the water. Miracle was a bit apprehensive at first. She did not trust the life jacket to hold her up and she could not touch past the rocky shore line....Daddy helped her get used to it though, and she ended up having a blast!

Well, I need to get dinner started for two hungry little munchkins. Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Morning suprises and first day of school

This week has definitely gone a little smoother for the Splan clan. Josh is still working late hours, but we are all getting adjusted. A few nights ago he brought home a surprise for the kids who were already in bed. When they woke up, they found this...

A GIANT LOBSTER! They loved this thing. It is so funny how easily kids are entertained. Daddy was happy that he had made two little hearts so happy!

Tuesday morning was Miracles first day of kindergarten. Mommy was worried, but Miracle was pumped! She must have asked me fifty thousand times when school would start...and when the day finally came she had to keep asking if she could really go to school. She did great:)

Miracle and Daddy

Before we walked out the door.

Are we done taking pictures yet, mommy? (the eyes say it all!)

For her first day, I actually walked her in and made sure she was OK. Today was her first day being dropped off in car line. Last year she rode the bus in the morning. I was very nervous about dropping my little girl off at the door to go find her classroom all by herself. She told me she could do it though, so I trusted her. I worried the whole way to school. When I dropped her off she jumped out and with only a slight, hesitant look back at me...marched into school like a big girl. She is so grown up all of a sudden!