This week has definitely gone a little smoother for the Splan clan. Josh is still working late hours, but we are all getting adjusted. A few nights ago he brought home a surprise for the kids who were already in bed. When they woke up, they found this...
Tuesday morning was Miracles first day of kindergarten. Mommy was worried, but Miracle was pumped! She must have asked me fifty thousand times when school would start...and when the day finally came she had to keep asking if she could really go to school. She did great:)
For her first day, I actually walked her in and made sure she was OK. Today was her first day being dropped off in car line. Last year she rode the bus in the morning. I was very nervous about dropping my little girl off at the door to go find her classroom all by herself. She told me she could do it though, so I trusted her. I worried the whole way to school. When I dropped her off she jumped out and with only a slight, hesitant look back at me...marched into school like a big girl. She is so grown up all of a sudden!
Hey sister, Your kids are growing up fast, but they are both so precious. I am so thankful that I am close enough that I am able to watch the changes! I want you to remember that there are those moments when she is too grown up for her own good, but there are the times, like tonight, when she just wants to cuddle with you. Those are the moments to treasure. Your little boy may seem like a life trial today, but in the end he will be an amazing young man.I love all of you never forget that. I also love treasuring the moments with you all.
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