Here is the sister that likes to kidnap the blog! I am once again sitting at my sister's house waiting to go to church, and she trustingly signed me into her blog. I guess it is good that I am not a mean sister, or I would have something mean to write. I am sitting here typing listening to JJ scream "sissy SISSY!" across the house. He is so cute and growing up so fast. I am now watching Miricale stand for a picture of her new hair do. The new do is so cute. Well the sister sitting beside me is starting to feel sick and that is not cool at all.
Well on to another topic. I have been thinking lately about life. Life has stages all around. You start out as a baby, and pass through the stages of life to become an adult. Along those stages you also have stages of impacting people that enter your life. They come in your life unexpected and either leave it unexpected or are there for longer than you expected. I am not sure what most people would say, but I do know that no matter how short the time is each new impact is special. Each of those people should be counted as special for leaving such a special spot in your heart. God has a plan for everyone's life, and He alone knows how people can affect us and do. I can remember so many people through my short life that I do not know what I would have done without them. Some have come and gone through the passage of time, and some are still with me today making an imprint on my life. There have been tears for those that have come and gone, but I am thankful for the time that I have had. I guess this long rambly thing from me is to remind you to treasure the moments you have with the people in your life today. Do not take for granted what God blesses you with each and every time.
Well I am being told not to post, but I want to. I guess the stolen blog will have to be returned. Hope you enjoyed this long ramble from the sister that likes to steal the blog. :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Long rambles from a sister
Monday, April 26, 2010
Happy Monday:)
I woke up this morning and was VERY tired. I had taken Benedryl before bed in order to prevent the allergy sickness that is spreading through my house. I had to leave earlier than normal for work in order to take my kids to my sister's house for the day. They were so excited so it was entirely worth it. I had a long day at work and was prepared for a long night. However, on my long ride to get my kids, I determined within myself that we were going to have a good night. When we got home, the daunting task of dinner preparation threatened to steal away my determination. Thankfully, I had gotten chicken out and just had to figure out how I wanted to prepare it. I found a good casserole recipe online and started cookin'! Along the way, I decided to try making some home made french bread with my bread maker. Along that way, I decided to make some chocolate chip cookie bars to accent my wonderful chicken casserole and home made bread. All in all, dinner turned out great and the night was enjoyable. God is good. After a long day at work, He somehow sparked my heart and enabled me to still have a good night with my family. There are so many days when I feel the best parts of me are used up at work. I get home and want to sit and do nothing. Again, God is so gracious for giving me the strength needed to be a decent mom and wife after a hard day at work!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
new outlooks...
OK. I usually find myself updating this blog when times are toughest. It seems there is always something to complain about. Well, of course, there is always something to complain about. Life is just that way. The bumps and curves are not fun but what would life be without them? And besides that, I need to start focusing on how good we have it and not on how bad life can seem on some days. I had a not so fun day today. I actually was wishing I could skip this day last night...and yet, here I am today at the end of my horrible day wondering why I ever worried at all. Everything worked out just fine. Yes, I had a huge evaluation at school and a not so pleasant annual doctors appointment, but it all worked out just fine. The Dr. only had to ask me a few questions about how the kids are doing to make me realize how much we have been through since seeing her last. Those few questions also made me really thankful for all the progress we have made in those moments. This life is flying by, and I am worrying it away on days that really shouldn't be worried about at all! God is good to us. He always makes sure the bills are paid when mommy's best budgets cant fit them all in. He makes bad days go better or He gives us the strength to deal with them. He is God after all. I just wish I could remember to trust Him as such.
I keep up with a lot of blogs--a lot of others' stories and lives written down for memories sake. I read their hopes and dreams and follow their heartaches. It's fun and entertaining to keep up with these families through their blogs. A lot of times it is their heartaches that make me realize how good I have it, or their words that encourage me to improve certain areas of my own life. I hope if you read this blog it can do the same for you.
Who knows where my family will be in 3 or 4 years. I can't see that far ahead, and I really don't want to. I want to enjoy every moment that we have here and now. I want to keep blogging and reading blogs and figuring out how to truly 'live' this life as I should!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Here are a bunch of pictures of my sweet family just havin fun:) Easter photos included as well....sorry they are all mixed up....blogger is not my friend:(
The Splan Clan on Easter Sunday
Posted by The Splan Clan at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What ya doing Babe? and Spring Break
The kids in their new flip flops

Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:38 AM 2 comments