The kids in their new flip flops
One day a few weeks ago, Josh was outside grilling chicken and I was working inside on the rest of dinner. The kids were running in and out between me and dad. I called Josh and didn't answer. I called again...Finally I said, "Whatcha doing babe?" The kids, especially JJ, thought this was hilarious. Ever since that day, JJ has enjoyed using that phrase when addressing his daddy. While in Walmart, I was looking for Josh and JJ was saying..."What you doin, babe?" It is too cute!
Our Spring Break started out a bit rough with mommy having the worst case of strep ever. Overall, I was feeling pretty better by Wednesday so we ventured out for a few hours to get some much needed groceries and Easter clothes. JJ made the shopping trip bearable by being Mr. Cutie. When I put fruit snacks into the cart..."Ohhh, my fav-it!". When I picked up an egg coloring kit..."Ohhh, my fav-it"! Literally, everything he thought he liked was his fav-it. It was so cute. I don't know where he picked up the phrase, but its adorable. When I picked up his little Easter outfit, he didn't pay much attention. Miracle loved hers and had to try it on. Once we got home, I asked JJ if I could try his new shorts on him. (we went with a cute, casual plaid short/polo outfit for Easter this year...we wanted something that would work for other occasions too!) He agreed to trying the shorts on (AMAZINGLY!) so I grabbed them out of the bag. When he saw the brown plaid shorts he smiled so big, "Just like daddy?" It was priceless. He sure does love his daddy.
We took the plunge and let Miracle get her first hair relaxer done. It worked out great and her hair is so cute. She is so grown up!

The kids are really enjoying the new summer air. JJ wanted a pair of flip flops like sissy so I picked him up a pair at the dollar store thinking he wouldn't wear them. He LOVES them. He even wanted to wear them to bed last night. He is pretty good with them too. It's so easy to please them right now...if only a $1 pair of flip flops would continue to please them when they are teenagers?!?!? (The kids are pictured in their new flops at the beginning of this post...I couldn't figure out how to get the silly picture down here!)
Oh so cute! Miracle looks so grown up and her hair looks great! You always have it looking so good!!!
So fun! Love Miracle's hair! She definitely does look grown up now! :)
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