My parents came up from MI to visit their kids this week. I new the week would fly by but had no idea how truly fast it would go:( We kicked off their week in SC by introducing them to the HOT HOT SC sun. We went to this beautiful park in Westminster called the Chau Ram County Park. It was almost an hour away but well worth the drive! Also, it felt like it was a thousand degrees outside...but we all had a blast anyway! The reason we chose this park so far away was for the beautiful waterfalls and the cool river to swim in. Being that we are all from MI, we are all used to having a good lake or river to swim in within 15 minutes any direction you go in the good old Northern country. It's a little different here in the South, however, so we had to go searching for the comforts of 'home':)
The kids loved the juice boxes.
The two youngest cousins in their matching swim trunks.
This is my mom and dad in front of the waterfall.
Was a great week. I do agree that it has flown by. I can not wait to see you tomorrow. Love ya. M
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