Crazy that Christmas Eve is here:) Our family has had to do some major psyching ourselves up for a Christmas in SC. The kids are not effected as much as Josh and I, but its still weird. We have always been in snow filled MI for Christmas. I have never missed Christmas morning with my mom and dad. I guess its a miracle that I have managed to miss that part of being a grown up. The part where you are supposed to start your own Christmas traditions at your own house. I have always childishly held on to the magic of Christmas morning at my mom and dad's house. God has apparently decided that it's time for me to grow up. This year it's Christmas in SC unlike any other. No snow and not even cold weather. It was 70 degrees yesterday. It is supposed to be colder today, but it will still be vastly different from the weather we would be bundling up for in MI. I am very thankful to have family here in SC that we can get together and celebrate with. Not having mom and dad with us will definitely be hard, but we are determined to make everything fun and magical in our own way. Christmas is still Christmas. We still celebrate our Lord's birth the same as always. Josh and I are prepared to fill the Christmas tree with gifts from santa while the kids sleep tonight. I have baked goodies and planned fun stuff and attempted to make this our own magical Christmas. It will be magical and memorable, though different. I keep reminding myself that our kids will look back on this one day and wish they were here instead of where they are. Its crazy to imagine really. They will see being at our house for the holidays as special as we see being in MI. I have a huge responsibility to make this memorable!! With all these crazy thoughts written down, I feel it may be a jumbled mass. Thanks for reading and I will keep you posted as to the firsts of our OWN Christmas day:)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas cleaning?!?!
Well today started out quite interestingly. JJ started complaining of a stomach ache, and I could not figure out if he was faking or not. Unfortunately, he has learned to fake, and I am still hoping that is all it is for today. I HATE stomach bugs and poor JJ seems to catch them all. I always end up coming down with it soon after he gets it, so as soon as I hear 'my tummy hurts' the anxiety of a long week sets in. Hopefully today's anxiety is all for nothing! So after this announcement this morning, I decided that the best way to make it through the day without worrying or hovering over him was to keep myself very busy. I did a few things throughout the house and then got really brave. Our guest bathroom is also the kids' bathroom. The caulking around the tub was not done very neatly before we moved in, and it has bothered me since. Sadly, we have lived in this house for 5 years, and I just got around to working on it:) It had one of those nice white sticky rings around it to hide the actual caulking but the white ring was starting to detach and needed replaced too so...I got really brave and decided to tear it all apart and do it over. Mind you, I am not a handyman at all so I am very happy for Google at times like these. A few hours after the start of my project, my arms desperately needed a rest so JJ and I took of for Lowe's to get some supplies. (I brought the bucket just in case!) We got home, and I continued working on taking the old caulk off. It was some stubborn stuff and my forearms are now killing me from all of the chipping away! I got it off though and after thoroughly cleaning the area I bravely applied the new caulk. It is drying now, and I think it looks pretty good! I hope my husband agrees when he gets home. Silly me did not realize that it takes a good 24-36 hours for the caulk to fully dry. OOPS! We will all be bathing for a few nights in order to make sure its good and dry. I'm pretty proud of myself. After years of seeing that nasty stuff, I finally got brave enough to do something about it! I guess our Christmas guests will appreciate it too:)
Posted by The Splan Clan at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas:)
We got all bundled up on Friday night to see the big tree lighting at our local university and then again on Saturday to go to the Christmas parade. The kids enjoyed every minute, and it was a great way to kick off the Christmas season! I have been wrapping presents and buying gifts like crazy and cannot wait for Christmas morning!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 26, 2011 update:)
Well, blog friends, it has been a long while since a good update. I must admit...I have had writers block. I just could not put together a good 'blog' post for the life of me! However, after this most wonderful Thanksgiving, I have lots to be thankful for which provides much to write about. First and foremost, I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has brought this family through a lot this year and is continuing to do so. He is my ever present Comforter when things seem overwhelming. I am also very thankful for my family. I have been under serious stress lately, and they have stuck by me through thick and thin. My gracious husband deserves a 'husband of the year' award for sure! I just love that we all work together to make each day special! I am also VERY thankful for my house and for two running cars. God is AWESOME!
Despite the stresses of life, my family is gearing up for a fantastic Christmas. Thanksgiving was a great kickoff to our fun filled holidays! Black Friday shopping was great, and I got a whole bunch of stuff crossed of my list. Just a few more things, and the Splan Clan will be ready for the big day! I keep getting 'oh yes...I forgot', 'oh, they need that too', 'oooooh, she needs this for Christmas','oooooooooh he needs that too', 'Im I'm not...yes I am' thoughts that are causing me to come up with a million more ways to spend money this Christmas:) I love spoiling my loved ones and really cannot wait to see their smiling faces when they open gifts. We are very careful to keep the real meaning of Christmas at the forefront of out minds and hearts, but I love the tradition of gift giving. I really don't want to buy for myself...just for EVERYONE I love! It is definitely keeping me busy! Don't get me wrong, I don't spend a lot of money...I just put a lot of thought into each thing and try to spend a few dollars on everyone.
I'm loving the new look of my blog and hope you do too! Enjoy your pre-Christmas days and don't forget the real reason for the season!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 14, 2011
Its official....:(
So the final word came today. Josh's newest employer will NOT give us any time to go home and see our families for Christmas. We have been down her for 5 years and have managed to get home every year. Somehow, this company's policy of only allowing 1 unpaid vacation a year managed to slip past us until after our 4th of July trip home. As fun as that was.....I would have traded it for Christmas:( I keep getting little thought bubbles of Scrooge yelling at my husband that he cannot take more than half a day on Christmas....What has happened to the world? I am still praying for a miracle but am also trying to prepare my heart for a MUCH different Christmas this year. The fact still remains that God is good all the time. I will have to remember this as the big day approaches.
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Time Has Once Again Come!
Well the blog stealer is at work again. What can I say, it has become my tradition to do this. :) Today the Splan Clan is decorating their Christmas tree. I do have to say that their tree has been up for a week, but do to a hectic schedule they are just getting the time to decorate it. I am enjoying sitting here listening to Christmas music watching the tree become beautiful. There are two little munchkins here who are so very excited about the changes taking place. I do have to say that for once I am also excited to see this taking place. I am usually so against it before thanksgiving, but this year since our parents cannot come, because of our mom's hip replacement surgery I am so ready for the whole holiday season to get started. :) I know that this year may be different, but I am praying that we all still get to go to Michigan for the wonderful Christmas Holiday.
The lights are on, and Josh is putting up the garland. JJ is jumping up and down with all the energy that he has. Miracle and Holly are sitting watching, waiting for him to finish so they can join in on the fun. Miracle is really hoping for snow, but I think she will have to wait for snow in the great SC for a while. Although I know that she is not the only one hoping that SC will have a BIG snow this year. :) The ornaments are starting their trek to their home on the tree. The kids have great excitement as they help take ornaments to the tree. I do have to say that I love the magic of this year. Yes, I understand the whole meaning of Christmas is Christ coming for our sins, but it is also that time of the year when everyone seems kinder and happier. I love the anticipation and joy that all can share no matter where you are. Yes, the stores will be crazier, but that is all part of the experience. I hope that you all take time this year to enjoy what Christ has done and the special time with your family. Take time to be thankful for all those wonderful memories that you are getting to make this year. Have a happy Thanksgiving and A VERY Merry Christmas!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sick Day and Pumpkin Carving
My baby girl woke up with Strep throat this morning. She started complaining of a headache yesterday, and I heard the swelling of glands in her voice but hoped for the best anyway. Sure enough...this morning around 3am she came in my room complaining of a bad throat ache. I checked her temp and grimaced...probably Strep for sure. Being that it was Sunday and our pediatrician is only open from 1-3 pm for emergency appointments, I decided to take her to the ER because we could go earlier and it would be faster. Believe it or not we were in and out in 30 minutes with a positive strep diagnosis and some bubble gum medicine. This little girl is RARELY sick so she felt pretty special being the center of attention this morning. I was not feeling the greatest either with a terrible sinus headache so we came home and laid low the rest of the day....lots of cartoons and lots of liquids with a few naps in between. Hopefully, we will be feeling better in the morning!
Feeling pretty special in her spot on the 'sick' couch:) |
Still in PJ's and carving pumpkins! |
Mommy's Favorite One |
Happy Haunting |
Our Happy Witch |
Casper the Ghost in his friendly Pumpkin |
All lit up on our front porch! |
Posted by The Splan Clan at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Happy 4th Birthday, JJ!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Check it out...Miracle's new fall style
Just look at my new hair! |
a took about 4.5 hours to do |
She could not be happier! (She is shiny from a recent facial moisturizer:) |
Posted by The Splan Clan at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Welcome Fall!
Hello Friends!
Fall has officially begun and boy are we loving it! The cooler air is a welcome friend after the horrible humidity of summer.I is still getting quite warm in the middle of the day but the need for a sweater in the mornings is fun! Both of my kids are thoroughly enjoying their little lives right now. Miracle is in 2nd grade and working hard. She is having some trouble with her testing because she rushes through stuff without checking her work or really trying to come up with the right answer. We are working on this at home every night. I hope that the extra help I can offer while I am out of work will help to bring her up to snuff. JJ is about to turn FOUR! I cannot beleive my sweet baby boy is getting so big already. He seems to get older and mouthier wiser every day! He is all of a sudden enthralled with his daddy. This definately warms my husbands heart as JJ has been, from day one, a total and complete momma's boy. JJ is getting old enough to know what fun a birthday brings and the countdown to October 15th is on at our house. Mommy is trying to push the brakes and keep him young a little longer, and JJ is accelerating so fast that he is almost driving momma crazy. He has had to adjust to a new way of life with me being out of work. I am subbing off and on but have to keep it to a minimum in order to afford his child care. Weird schedules have thrown us both for a loop. JJ is used to constant companionship, and I am used to a rigorous daily routine. I have definately had to reevaluate my priorities. I am enjoying every minute with my kids for sure. They will only be young once and time is quickly running out for the snuggles and extra loves.
Overall, we are all looking forward to pumpkin patches, apples, halloween, turkey, and Christmas cheer. This time of year is so fun minus the sickness that comes with it! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your moments too!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:11 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
It's Been Awhile....
Cheesy, Scraped Nose |
Goofy |
Wild |
Little?!?! (He found this in a drawer today) |
Our Princess, Second Grade!!! I hope you all have had a wonderful beginning of the school year too! |
Posted by The Splan Clan at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I think I'm in Love
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:18 PM 1 comments
Happy Five Years Anniversary!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hurricane Irene
Well, though Hurrican Irene shrunk down to a category 1, our family is still being greatly affected by its presence. My husband left this morning to go to NC with his work crew to help with releif wherever needed. I am hoping and praying that he is safe during this exciting journey as we cherish him more than ever as a husband and daddy. I am not looking forward to taking care of our family on my own. Last time Josh was out of town, JJ came down with a horrible sickness that left me scarred for life:) (Ok...thats a bit dramatic but if you know me---you know its true!) I know that we have God as our number one protector and that He has a plan in all of this. I am trusting that He will keep Josh in His hands as he serves where needed most. I also know that this is a great opportunity for my husband to create a strong relationship with his employer. God knows we can truly us the extra money that he will be earning. I have a million questions in my head as to how the next few weeks will go, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything will be ok. God is on our side. As long as we are running this race, we have the greatest team captain on our side! Praise God for that!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Just a little like momma?
Posted by The Splan Clan at 12:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 5, 2011
Selfishly missing the moments...
The reason for this post is obvious from the title...this momma has been way over stressed and missing some of the best moments in life that cannot be redone. Thank goodness the Lord allowed us to get a decent camera so that I can capture those moments on my camera so that at least I can go back in time through memories!
Basically, I have allowed my being unemployed to dim what is most important to family. My husband says I have been crabby for 3+ surprise there. My poor husband. My kids have been troopers....though mommy is stressed to the max, they carry on with happiness. There are so many unanswered questions that I keep aiming at the Lord, but I am determined to step back from my selfishness and remember the two greatest blessings that God has given me. They keep me going. Needing to force myself out of bed to be a mother has kept me from giving into the horrible arms of depression that threaten to overtake me. I realize fully that God has a plan for this family. Once again, my heart and my head are in turmoil against one another. My heart knows the truth, but my head goes on with its negative knowledge of what can really happen to us if I don't get a job soon. Giving it all to God is such a relief...unfortunately my head takes it all back at least 24 times a day....
Ok moving on to my special blessings!
Build a Bear for Miracle's 7th birthday |
A few weeks later, we were swimming with my sister in law when JJ got his first bee sting! I almost forgot to even write that down. I know it's silly...but I want to remember that kind of stuff. He got his second bee sting a few days later. Thank goodness we now know that he is NOT allergic to bee stings!
Overall, we have had a great summer...or at least my kids have. They even find a way to have fun when we are stuck at home. They have super enjoyed a week getting to see Nana and Papa alot....I have too! We got our entire family's pictures done last night...I should have some to post soon!
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! Don't be like me and almost miss the moments. They are such blessings if you only take the time to notice them!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:43 AM 4 comments
Monday, July 25, 2011
Where has summer gone?
Well it seems that summer is quickly coming to an end. We went to Hobby Lobby today and were disgusted to see Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations are already out! CRAZY! I don't know about you, but I am not wishing away these last few weeks of sunshine and freedom. Neither are my kids. Life being unemployed has definitely been interesting. Funny how after learning how to be a successful working mom, I have had to really work at learning to be a successful stay at home mom. Every day is a new day with new struggles. What do I do to keep myself busy? All of a sudden, I am struggling to figure out my meaning in life. How do I learn to 'not work?' I have been employed in some sort of position since I was 16 years old. I am really working on putting my job as a mother into practice. Trying to work with my kids all that I can now that I am home more and trying to give them some good memories with mommy that I could not have done before. It is eye opening for sure. I long for another teaching position to work out, but God has a plan and has not given me a new job yet. Waiting is hard, but I am learning to choose contentment. Thankfully, I have something I can hope in besides this world. What would I do without the Lord to turn to? I'd be lost (and crazy by now) for sure! Each day is a blessing in itself. I remind myself of that often. This new phase in life is going to take some figuring out...but every moment will be worth it! Helping my kids to turn into responsible adults will be my reward!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 2:55 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Lord is so good!
Meet my beautiful new neice...
Proud Uncle Josh, Miracle, and JJ holding Cynthia on the day she was born |
Cynthia Anne McClimon, 7/11/2011, 8lbs 6 oz |
I am anxiously awaiting the phone call that will tell me whether or not I will get the job I have been interviewing for. Meeting Cynthia for the first time and remembering how God worked in their lives gives me a wonderful peace that He is working in our lives too! He is in control. The waiting is hard but the end result will be a blessing. Whether or not I get the job, God is working something out! I will keep you all posted!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 12:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
LaMiracle's first visit to her new home and new grammy Nov 2nd, 2007 |
![]() |
Adoption Day, June 2nd 2008 |
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I love kids. I grew up playing teacher and dreaming of having kids of my own. I have ALWAYS felt led to work with kids. I have ALWAYS felt led to be a leader and a good example to kids because we have no idea what they are dealing with at home. I love being a mother, an aunt, a teacher, and a 'grown up' friend. Most of all, I love getting a chance to help them reach their highest potential. I hope that one day my children will look back and call me blessed. I hope that one day my students will remember their preschool teacher as someone they could trust and have fun with and love. As I apply for new teaching positions, I am considering a lot of things. However, one thing I don't need to consider is whether or not I want to continue working with kids. They are my heart. I think of them, pray for them, love them, and hope that God wills to give me another chance to teach them!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
One HOT momma...and I don't mean sexy!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 2:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Kinda bad day
Posted by The Splan Clan at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Some Encouragement
"Whatever Your Doing" by Sanctus Real is a song a friend had on her blog. I needed to hear this song today and found it to be so encouraging! Go listen and see what you think!
(Just click on the name of the song:)
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 22, 2011
The end is too near...
Well, spring break is coming to an end already. It definitely flew by! Every year, as spring break approaches, I look forward to a week off and at the same time dread having no extra money to spend. I basically had the same outlook going into it this year. God is just trying to teach me that money is not everything. It can't be everything because there is never enough! I just wish my head would stop trying to tell my heart that 'it needs more money!" My heart is ok with our current is my head that is not ok with it. In my heart, I know what is really important. My head just spends way too much time seeing what everyone else has...and what I don't have. Well, head---GIVE IT UP!
Aside from this particular personal battle, we have had a blast together as a family over this spring break. Sleeping in every morning, having a leisurely bowl of cereal in front of cartoons, and just relaxing our days away! I'm also competing in a personal race within myself. So far, I am winning. Praise God for the small stuff!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Enjoying Spring Break
Spring Break is going well so far! I cannot believe this is already the third day! The kids and I have been enjoying our time together for sure! JJ's day care is still open...but how often do I get to spend time with him when he is not sick? Umm...NEVER. So he gets to stay home with me and sissy this week! We haven't really done anything special, we are just being lazy and enjoying our days at home. We will probably venture out today to do some much needed grocery shopping. I still have a bunch of cleaning to do before our Easter dinner on Sunday. I also have eggs to boil, cupcakes to make and decorate, and food to prepare. Ohhhh....its been kinda busy busy but having all of this to do during a week off is so much easier than during a work week!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:47 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Lovin' the Sun!
Hello again! Sadly, I had to come home from work early today for JJ. His tummy was/is hurting really bad:/ Is my 'not so favorite' virus striking again? I am still hoping that maybe he just has a slight touch of something....and that it won't lead to any vomits. The poor child has had more than his fair share of that stuff, and his daddy and I were both hoping that he was over all that for the season. All is well though, I am armed and ready with a bucket, Clorox wipes, disinfectant spray, and towels. I figure the more prepared I get---maybe it won't happen?!?! Fat chance, Murphy's law never really works unless you don't want it to. I will keep you all posted:/ Despite the current sickness (?) we are all looking forward to spring break. What a way to kick it off huh? Well, we are going to choose to ignore the kick off and try to enjoy the moments anyway. We don't have much planned. I just want to spend time with my kids and get some peace and quiet. We will also be cleaning the house and preparing for the Easter celebration being held at our house this year...Should be lots of fun! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 8, 2011 April Update!
Hello everybody! It has been awhile since an update from the Splan Clan. This is not because I have lost my love for blogging...but because my mom always told me that if you cant say anything nice-don't say anything at all. Lately, it seems the 'negatives' have taken over our life. Lots of downs and very few ups--- We are all determined, however, to make the best of this life that God has given us! This post is going to be dedicated to all the things that I am thankful for despite our current 'downs':) 1. I am thankful for all of our good health. God knows that this momma hates having sick kids. Amidst all of our recent stresses, sickness would be even harder for me. God has seen fit to keep us all relatively healthy for the time being. Thank God for small blessings! 2. I am thankful that my husband and I both have a job. Life is hard as it is but would be much harder if one of use was unemployed. I have a job that I love and works well with me when kids are sick or when life gets stressful. Josh has a job that may not be the best but is a job nonetheless. I remember quite clearly the 2 weeks of misery last October when Josh had to quit his job of 4.5 years. It was unexpected and scared us all half to death. God is good though. He provided a job less than a week later! In this economy, that was a HUGE blessing! The job was not a perfect one...but has helped us get back on our feet for the most part. We are working on being content with his job for now but praying that God sends us something better when He sees fit to do so! 3. I am thankful for my siblings that live close and encourage me often. My sisters especially are always wonderful to me. I really could not ask for a better outside support system. 4. I am thankful that even though gas is super high, bills are overwhelming, and childcare is expensive---we have the money to pay for everything that is important. God knows what those things are and always makes sure that we survive every month. 5. I am thankful for Ms. Dana. She is our childcare lady, and she is sent to us from God for sure. JJ and Miracle love her. She loves them, and she loves the Lord. I could not be comfortable with just anyone watching my kids....and I am beyond comfortable with the care she offers! Praise God for her! 6. I am thankful for a house to live in, a car to drive, a heating/cooling system that works, a washer and dryer that work, a bed to sleep in, and everything else that makes our life comfortable and live able. God has given us more than we deserve for sure! 7. I am thankful for my pets. They are dirty, hairy, smelly, and often super annoying. They bark and meow, and they eat us out of house and home. However, they love us unconditionally. When I yell at them, they still love me. I look forward to seeing them every day! These are some of the many things I can be thankful for that I often take for granted. I can complain about gas being high all that I want...but what if I did not have a car to put gas into? I can wish for a bigger house, but what would I do if I could not pay my mortgage and not have a place to call home anymore? I can complain about everything I have, but what if I had NOTHING to call my own? What if I did not have my kids and my husband and my family? I am blessed beyond words in reality. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side. Thankfully, we have grass even if its not perfect!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
They keep us smiling!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
some cute pictures of my babies
Posted by The Splan Clan at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentines 2011
We have gotten lots of suprises in our life lately....but nothing beats this suprise:)
No, you saw it right. These are not roses. They are Gerber absolute favorite! I love roses too, but my husband is awesome. He likes to think outside of the box and new that these daisies would make my Valentines day super special this year! He also gave me a really soft new blanket and a pillow that I wanted. He is such a wonderful husband and dad!
I have started a new babysitting job on weekends. This last weekend was the first of many, and I am so excited for the kids I am watching. They are the same ages as my two, and everyone had a blast. These two kids are in great need of some TLC. They have been through a horrible lot in the last year so I am more than happy to let them get some of that TLC at my house! I had to get up way to early on both Saturday and Sunday but it ended up being totally worth it. I am actually looking forward to next weekend with them. Getting a chance to see other kids that are from horrible situations gives me a huge reminder of all that God is doing for my family. I hope that I can share some of our blessings with them! Unfortunately my house got twice as dirty with all of the playing that went on. I think I swept up 2 pounds of extra dirt! Oh well...;)
Life has been interesting around here to say the least. We are running here and there and everywhere everyday it seems. I guess God wants me to be more flexible....I'm trying to stay optimistic about it all but its hard. I am a person that likes consistency. Appointments and meetings every afternoon tend to overwhelm me. Well...consistency has kind of 'flew the coop' in our lives lately. Oh well....this mommy is determined to remain sane! Honestly...having two kids and only two kids is looking better all the time:)
Despite the added stress, Valentine's Day was a nice detour from life. Getting a little bit spoiled by my favorite Valentine really helped to cheer me up a bit! He came home from work and asked where I wanted to go to dinner. I suggested driving though Jack in the Box. He was absolutely flabbergasted, but I wanted a big unhealthy burger....and that's what I got! (I'm sure you other mothers understand that sometimes driving through is so much easier....after all, it was a Monday!) I took a rain check for a more extravagant meal next weekend!
I hope you all had a wonderful LOVE day too!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 30, 2011
My Husband's New Toy

Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 28, 2011
Our Adoption Story
My beautiful Miracle
Her first visit to our house. She was a daddy's girl right away!
Josh and I were married in August of 2006. I had already informed him that I wanted to adopt when we were older, and he agreed. I started my job at The Meyer Center for Special Children soon after our marriage and loved everything about it. The buses would load through my room at the end of the day and I always noticed this cute, skinny, little bit of nothing who had the most precious smile in the world. One day, I finally asked about her. "What is her diagnosis? She is so cute." Her teacher quickly replied that she had a small developmental delay due to drug exposure at birth. "Do you want to adopt her?" she asked me flippantly.
I rushed home from school that day with a thought in my head. I called Josh and told him that we had to adopt this little girl. He only half believed me but agreed anyway. He loves kids too and what was the harm in making the wife happy? He thought it would never happen.
I called the local DSS office right away. I asked around and got lots of information about LaMiracle and how the adoption process would work. I was in love and knew that that little girl would be coming to live with us someday. Josh and I sat down and talked about it very seriously. We knew we were young and recently married, but we could go through the process and see how far we made it. Neither of us felt we would get approved, but we knew we wanted to try. Before anything, Josh wanted to come by and at least meet her.
He was waiting for me in the lobby when a therapist came in from outside with a little girl she had been doing physical therapy with. The little girl saw Josh and ran to give him the biggest hug. The little girl was Miracle. Josh was a goner! He remembers that hug to this day!
We were about half way through the process, and everything was looking pretty positive. We had a few last inspections to get through, but we started to get pretty excited. I found out I was pregnant in Feb. of 2007. We were excited but worried that this might effect DSS' decision of whether or not to let us adopt our girl? We were not worried though. It was looking like we would get Miracle (if approved) around June or July and the baby was not due until the end of October.
In May we found out that the bedroom windows in our rental house were too small. We put the adoption process on a "quick" hold so that we could buy a house. We knew it might not be the smartest thing to do financially at the time, but we needed a place if we wanted LaMiracle.
At this point the adoption process really started to drag on. We had to get all new inspections for the new house. Some of our home study had to be redone. I was getting more and more pregnant.
I went into labor with our son on October 14th 2007. He was born on the 15th. We were instantly in love but continued our plan to get LaMiracle.
She was placed with us on November 2, 2007. She was scared to death of our pets, but she loved her new room. She adjusted so well. I think she new we loved her. We ended up taking a trip to MI for a funeral only 2 wks after her placement. I was so worried for her little heart. She would be meeting a ton of family and would be so overwhelmed. NOPE. "Hi, I'm Miracle." she proudly introduced herself. She was already a part of our family and could not be shaken.
The actually adoption day was in June of 2008. I had the worst case of strep throat ever. Aunt Melanie and Aunt Christy ended up having to keep the kids the night before and meet us at the courthouse. I was on pins and needles but everything went fine. We went home that day knowing that she would be our little girl forever.
The memories with her will already last forever. I will never forget the day she realized that her skin was brown and ours was white or the day she asked in older lady in McDonald's what color she was... I love her attitude toward life and the sweet way she looks at things. She is our girl!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 4:42 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Bad Day
Friday, January 21st ended up being quite a day. It went fine until we were on our way home from school/daycare. I was stopped on highway 135 waiting to take a left hand turn when we were rear ended by a car going 55mph. My car is in rough shape and had to be towed away. It could have been much worse but the damage underneath is pretty severe. The frame is definitely bent so it will be interesting to see what the insurance adjuster says. The boy who hit me was only 19, and I my heart went out to him as he expressed regret over not paying attention. I would not wish that on any mom's heart...and I can't ever imagine having to get that kind of call from my son once he starts driving. My worst nightmare is having my kids get in a car accident. This worst nightmare happened yesterday. They were both scared and holding the backs of their heads once I got out of the car and to them. I called 911 and my husband immediately and comforted them as much as possible. Thank God for the sweet ladies who stopped to comfort me and wait with me until the police arrived. Most of all, Thank God that my children are OK. I'm pretty sore. I have never been this sore from an accident so I'm sure my kids are hurting too. They both deny any pain which is good, but I will be contacting the chiropractor on Monday morning to get them checked out for any whip lash. Hopefully we can get a rental car!
On a brighter note, my husband had an interview this morning with a restoration company in Greenville. It would be a much closer commute and would be a MUCH better company for him to work for. He thinks the interview went really well so we are crossing our fingers and waiting to hear back about it sometime this week.
With both of these situations, we just have to wait for answers. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't wait well. This should be an interesting week for sure! Nothing beats my family being safe I have no complaints!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:39 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 14, 2011
My husband has enjoyed getting to snowboard in our front yard!
The kids enjoyed getting all bundled up to play in the snow!
We all had fun 'sledding' down the driveway on daddy's snowboard!
The kids smiled for lots of 'fun in the snow' pictures!
Posted by The Splan Clan at 5:46 PM 1 comments