Monday, July 25, 2011

Where has summer gone?

Well it seems that summer is quickly coming to an end. We went to Hobby Lobby today and were disgusted to see Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations are already out! CRAZY! I don't know about you, but I am not wishing away these last few weeks of sunshine and freedom. Neither are my kids. Life being unemployed has definitely been interesting. Funny how after learning how to be a successful working mom, I have had to really work at learning to be a successful stay at home mom. Every day is a new day with new struggles. What do I do to keep myself busy? All of a sudden, I am struggling to figure out my meaning in life. How do I learn to 'not work?' I have been employed in some sort of position since I was 16 years old. I am really working on putting my job as a mother into practice. Trying to work with my kids all that I can now that I am home more and trying to give them some good memories with mommy that I could not have done before. It is eye opening for sure. I long for another teaching position to work out, but God has a plan and has not given me a new job yet. Waiting is hard, but I am learning to choose contentment. Thankfully, I have something I can hope in besides this world. What would I do without the Lord to turn to? I'd be lost (and crazy by now) for sure! Each day is a blessing in itself. I remind myself of that often. This new phase in life is going to take some figuring out...but every moment will be worth it! Helping my kids to turn into responsible adults will be my reward!


Anonymous said...

You are an AMAZING woman. I am so thankful that we were raised to depend on an even more amazing God. He will give you the strength for what He has planned for you. You are a great mom and your two beautiful kids are blessed. Love ya. M

Changing Family said...

We really need to get together. I am struggling to figure out how to "stay at home". I want to spend this quality time really seeking God and His plan, but I am really struggling. Since we live so close, we should really get together...