Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow! Christmas flew by and so did the welcoming of the new year! Looking back through last year, I cannot believe some of the stuff we made it through. I assure you that it was only by God's grace, but we made it through and that is what counts. We are hoping for a good 2011. I'm sure it will have its ups and downs and I am glad that we cannot see the future to know what they will be. God is good. I need to remember to take things one day at a time. It is so hard to do that when your a 'grown up'. We are supposed to plan ahead and be prepared and all that jazz....and yet we are supposed see every day as its own day without worrying about the others. Those concepts are hard to put into practice. The planning and preparing often turn into worrying and anxiety which makes trying to take one day at a time nearly impossible. As a Christan, however, I am determined that God can help me do this. I choose this to be my new years resolution. I think this is close to the same resolution I made last year but that's OK. It's a perfect resolution for the start of every new year!

Enjoy the moments before they become the past and you look back wishing that you had enjoyed them more!
I have a BUNCH of pictures to post from our wonderful Christmas. These will be coming soon! In the meantime, I really need to get cleaning my house and preparing to head back to work tomorrow! I hope you all had wonderful holidays and are looking forward to the start of a fresh new year as much as I am! The count down is already on for spring break! Only about 16 more weeks....ha ha!


Anonymous said...

I think you need pics from me. See you tomorrow. Love ya. M