Tuesday, March 23, 2010

la di da

OK. I haven't had much to blog about lately because the 'sickies' seem to be following us everywhere we go....or at least following JJ. The stomach virus made its rounds very slowly this year. JJ's turn, JJ's turn, MOMMIES TURN...BLAH! In between JJ's two bouts of this dreaded virus...he also has had a cold, another cold, and now pink eye in both eyes. Somehow, Miracle seems to be dodging each and every bullet...at least so far! I am praying so fervently for JJ's little body to get healthy so that his immune system can catch up. It seems that before he is able to get back to normal after one horrible virus...he is struck with another! Thankfully, spring break is speeding upon us, and we will have a full week of recuperation....and potty training! Everyone say a prayer and cross your fingers with me. The time has come! I will let you know how that one goes!

Overall, life has had its ups and downs around here, and I am only sure of a few things these days: God is in control. God is merciful. God is gracious....oh, and the most important one of all, God is holding my hand through each and every moment of this wave filled life!

I will keep you posted as far as our spring break adventures and potty training go. It should be fun, and we are all looking forward to the rest!


Anonymous said...

Hey potty training will go great. Also, your baby will hopefully be better soon after a week of rest. Love ya.