Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snow days and Naps= Perfect!

Today was an awesome day. Snow was in the forecast but no one really believed it would come. We have had several of these 'snow' forecasts and had not yet been blessed with snow on a school day. I was really hoping for it though! It turns out that snow started to fall around 9:30am...we all anxiously awaited the announcement of early dismissal...and it came about an hour later! It was so fun! I picked up the kids, and we all went home to enjoy a much needed nap time. The poor kids had a fun filled weekend that left them both over tired and crabby. I too needed some extra Z's so off we went to dream land...for a good 2.5 hours!! I highly doubt I will be able to sleep tonight but it was worth it. Of course, a half day off is never enough so we are hoping for a cancellation again tomorrow. High expectations I know...but snow days are so fun!

Overall, we are all doing well. Miracle is doing well in school and really starting to understand the reading process. She still has a lot to learn but is doing very well considering the disadvantages she has had in life. She is really starting to figure out that girls are supposed to like boys and vice versa. She commented the other day that the boys at school probably thought she was cute in her new black pants and pink shirt. ADORABLE..yes. SCARY...yes!! JJ is finally starting to get back to his normal self. Aside from being sick and coughing excessively, his little cheeks were all red and chapped from the cold weather and playing outside. After several nights of lotion on the cheeks, cough medicine, and allergy medicine...he is finally starting to look like my cute little man again!

We are all counting down the 3.5 weeks until spring break and looking forward to the summer fun that is soon to follow. It is so nice to know that the along with the warmth will come less sickness...and more time to sleep!


Anonymous said...

Hoping waiting and wishing for a snow day! Keep praying. Love ya!