Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here is the sister that likes to kidnap the blog! I am once again sitting at my sister's house waiting to go to church, and she trustingly signed me into her blog. I guess it is good that I am not a mean sister, or I would have something mean to write. I am sitting here typing listening to JJ scream "sissy SISSY!" across the house. He is so cute and growing up so fast. I am now watching Miricale stand for a picture of her new hair do. The new do is so cute. Well the sister sitting beside me is starting to feel sick and that is not cool at all.
Well on to another topic. I have been thinking lately about life. Life has stages all around. You start out as a baby, and pass through the stages of life to become an adult. Along those stages you also have stages of impacting people that enter your life. They come in your life unexpected and either leave it unexpected or are there for longer than you expected. I am not sure what most people would say, but I do know that no matter how short the time is each new impact is special. Each of those people should be counted as special for leaving such a special spot in your heart. God has a plan for everyone's life, and He alone knows how people can affect us and do. I can remember so many people through my short life that I do not know what I would have done without them. Some have come and gone through the passage of time, and some are still with me today making an imprint on my life. There have been tears for those that have come and gone, but I am thankful for the time that I have had. I guess this long rambly thing from me is to remind you to treasure the moments you have with the people in your life today. Do not take for granted what God blesses you with each and every time.
Well I am being told not to post, but I want to. I guess the stolen blog will have to be returned. Hope you enjoyed this long ramble from the sister that likes to steal the blog. :)