Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I think I'm in Love

No one to leave dirty socks and shoes scattered around the house.
No one to have work clothes washed and ready for.
No one to leave dirty cups out and all over the house.
No one to waste soda by only drinking half the can.
No one to leave their wet towel on the dry bed.
No one to leave their dirty work clothes in the bathroom after showering.
No one to hold dinner for.
No one to mow my lawn.
No one help me care for the dogs.
No one to help me feed the pets.
No one to help me find Patrick...our lost kitty.
No one to cheer me up when I get down.
No one to curl up with on the couch at the end of the day
No one to watch 'Big Brother' with.
No one to play on the computer while I watch my girly shows.
No one to welcome home at the end of the day.
No one to kiss me good night.
No one to sleep beside me.
No one to say, 'Goodnight baby...love you.'
No one to kiss me good bye in the morning.

There are days that some of these things annoy me to no end. There are days I don't appreciate the kiss goodbye or the 'goodnight...love you'. However, when I don't have all of these things I feel lost and alone. I think I'm in love:)


Anonymous said...

In love and lost :) i love you. M