Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The good...the bad...and the GREAT!

Ok...here I am. I am blogging...FINALLY! This is my jumble of thoughts for the night.

Here is the good. JJ is over his pink eye, my class is almost finished, this is tuesday, I got to stay home on Monday, I got all of my laundry done yesterday, and I got to watch American Idol and The Biggest Loser.

Here is the bad. I still have two papers to write for my class, one that I have no idea how to even start and one that I just need to sit down and write. I am tired...like is it really only Tuesday tired. We have NO groceries in our house right now. Miracle has a horrible cough. I have not taken any good pics for my blog. I still feel slightly out of control with class/work/family.

And last but not least, here is the GREAT! My last class is one week from being over. I have two relatively healthy children. I have a wonderful family. I have a wonderful husband who is very happy tonight that he found some cool stuff on a job. I get to go to bed soon. I can get groceries this weekend.....oh...and can I just say that I really have no right to complain at all because I have a God that provides for me in ways that I can NEVER understand or be thankful enough for!

Beat that!


Anonymous said...

I am thankful that you are my sister. I am also thankful that the Lord placed me so close to all of you that I can see you at least two times every week. I am going to miss you this summer. I am also thankful that I have so many cute nieces and nephews. Two of them being your super cute and sweet children. I hope that you are having a good night. I also hope that your computer is doing fine tonight. I wish I still had my compy. I love you. Your pesky sis.