Friday, April 8, 2011 April Update!

Hello everybody! It has been awhile since an update from the Splan Clan. This is not because I have lost my love for blogging...but because my mom always told me that if you cant say anything nice-don't say anything at all. Lately, it seems the 'negatives' have taken over our life. Lots of downs and very few ups--- We are all determined, however, to make the best of this life that God has given us! This post is going to be dedicated to all the things that I am thankful for despite our current 'downs':) 1. I am thankful for all of our good health. God knows that this momma hates having sick kids. Amidst all of our recent stresses, sickness would be even harder for me. God has seen fit to keep us all relatively healthy for the time being. Thank God for small blessings! 2. I am thankful that my husband and I both have a job. Life is hard as it is but would be much harder if one of use was unemployed. I have a job that I love and works well with me when kids are sick or when life gets stressful. Josh has a job that may not be the best but is a job nonetheless. I remember quite clearly the 2 weeks of misery last October when Josh had to quit his job of 4.5 years. It was unexpected and scared us all half to death. God is good though. He provided a job less than a week later! In this economy, that was a HUGE blessing! The job was not a perfect one...but has helped us get back on our feet for the most part. We are working on being content with his job for now but praying that God sends us something better when He sees fit to do so! 3. I am thankful for my siblings that live close and encourage me often. My sisters especially are always wonderful to me. I really could not ask for a better outside support system. 4. I am thankful that even though gas is super high, bills are overwhelming, and childcare is expensive---we have the money to pay for everything that is important. God knows what those things are and always makes sure that we survive every month. 5. I am thankful for Ms. Dana. She is our childcare lady, and she is sent to us from God for sure. JJ and Miracle love her. She loves them, and she loves the Lord. I could not be comfortable with just anyone watching my kids....and I am beyond comfortable with the care she offers! Praise God for her! 6. I am thankful for a house to live in, a car to drive, a heating/cooling system that works, a washer and dryer that work, a bed to sleep in, and everything else that makes our life comfortable and live able. God has given us more than we deserve for sure! 7. I am thankful for my pets. They are dirty, hairy, smelly, and often super annoying. They bark and meow, and they eat us out of house and home. However, they love us unconditionally. When I yell at them, they still love me. I look forward to seeing them every day! These are some of the many things I can be thankful for that I often take for granted. I can complain about gas being high all that I want...but what if I did not have a car to put gas into? I can wish for a bigger house, but what would I do if I could not pay my mortgage and not have a place to call home anymore? I can complain about everything I have, but what if I had NOTHING to call my own? What if I did not have my kids and my husband and my family? I am blessed beyond words in reality. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side. Thankfully, we have grass even if its not perfect!


Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for you and your great outlook. I am thankful that God saw fit to put us in a family together. I love you.